The Duke of New Mexico

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Duke on Myspace

Well, I've been fighting it for a long time... but I decided that since many of my friends are already on myspace, I should at least have my profile on there as well. I will continue to post photos of my adventures here since myspace sucks for posting photos and their layout is terrible... not to mention it's littered with ads everywhere. But I have to admit that it's better for the whole social networking thing. So there you have it. Let's not speak of this again :) The link to my page at myspace is:

Or follow the Blue Gecko:

(This photo isn't mine but it was free wallpaper and I modified the colors in photoshop... so I think that should at least give me permission to use it) Kudos to the photographer... whoever you are.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Flowers in the Garden

My flower bush is blooming again after it almost died from lack of water (oops). It looked totally dried out... should've taken a photo of it then.... but I didn't think it would actually bounce back the way it did. It's a miracle! I tried to give it 'chi' to bring it back... maybe it worked. I've been pretty good at remembering to water it lately and I guess it's rewarding me by blooming for me. This certain flower is really interesting because it changes color from red to yellow over time. You can see that the top flower has already changed at the top. The ones at the bottom are new blooms that are only starting to change color.

I'll be off to Michigan soon for a few days helping my younger bro' move there for graduate school. It'll be a long 24 hour drive to Ann Arbor... hope the weather will be nice. It'll be exciting driving through places I have never been. Exploring new territory is always fun. I will try to take a few photos for the blog.


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