The Duke of New Mexico

Monday, December 18, 2006

Extra... Extra... Duke's in the movies? ...maybe

I know it's been way too long since I've posted anything up on my blog... so I thought I'd make it up to the 3 people that actually check up on my blog.... so for the first time in history....a photo of "The Duke", in real life... sort of. I say sort of because it's me in costume.

Recently, I've had the great opportunity to be an extra for an upcoming remake of an cool old western movie. We were told that we could'nt take any photos whatsoever on set. So this photo was taken in the dressing room... it was pretty much the only place that we were allowed to take any photos. I'm playing the part of an Asian railroad worker. This shot was taken before I went into "makeup", so my face has not yet been made 'dirty' for the shoot. I won't mention any specifics about the movie here because I don't want to get anyone in trouble... including myself. The cast and crew were really nice... especially the casting director.

I don't know if I'll make it into the final cut scenes of the finished movie... but even if I don't, it was well worth the experience. And, I would love to do future movies as an extra again. Special thanks to Ernie for letting me know about the casting call... and Elizabeth for everything else. I tip my cowboy hat to y'all.

Notes about the photo: I had to wear a wig with braided hair at the end. You can't see the braid in the photo because it's hangin down in the back. So the hair you see is actually fake and dusted to look dirty and dusty. Costume was custom fitted for yours truly. Scarf was actually tucked inside my shirt during the shoots. During the shoot, make-up people would 'dust' us, our clothes, and shoes regularly to keep us looking 'dirty'.


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