The Duke of New Mexico

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Road Trip: The Grand Canyon Continued...Vertical Views!

We spent 2 days at the Grand Canyon so I decided to post another day of photos. The following photos are all vertical views of the Canyon. These were all taken by me on a Canon Elph S410. As with all the photos on this site, you can click on them for a larger view. The second day we spent there was really hot! I think it reached 100 Degrees Fahrenheit or about 37.8 Degrees Celsius. It was partly cloudy as you can see from the photos, but that did not help cool us down at all. Good thing we brought tons of water with us.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Southwest Road Trip Part 1: The Grand Canyon

I recently went on a week long road trip to the southwest with some friends. For the first leg of our journey we ventured from Albuquerque and past Flagstaff, Arizona to the Grand Canyon. It took us approximately 7 hours to reach the Grand Canyon... but it was worth it. We left early in the morning so we were able to arrive in the early afternoon and enjoy the view until sunset. Here are some of the photos I took that day.

Albuquerque to the Grand Canyon ETA: 7 hours
Watching the sunset at the Grand Canyon: Priceless

For everything else, there's

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Fireworks, part 5 ... the Sea Creature from space

I think this one is my favorite.. or at least the most bizzarely beautiful and hypnotic. It looks like some sort of alien sea urchin that lives in deep space. I don't know why it would be a sea urchin AND an alien okay, leave me alone!

This concludes my fireworks series. I hope you enjoyed them, and as always I love any feedback you may have.


Fireworks, part 4 .... Smoke and Flares

One cool thing about being really close to the action (when it comes to fireworks) is that you can see the trails go up and see the smoke clearly. They were shooting them off a hill next to us, so it was pretty cool to see. Here are some good examples of the smoke trails and flares. I think this was taken during part of the finale. Can't you almost smell the gunpowder, and hear the booms? No? Me either, that was stupid.

Fireworks, part 3 ... The Big Bang

Here are some photos of the big bang when the world was created out of nothing. Nevermind that they look exactly like fireworks. I like the first photo with all the smoke and flares. Cool, no?

Fireworks, Part 2 ... Neon Palm Trees and more

Here are some more amazingly (crappy) beautiful fireworks. The last photo kind of looks like a neon palm tree to me. What do you guys think?

4th of July Fireworks in Rio Rancho, NM

Well, this 4th of July wasn't the most exciting and these photos aren't the greatest either but I decided to post them anyways. The 'Fireworks' setting on my Canon S2 didn't work as well as I'd hoped, but here are some photos that I thought looked okay. Some are a bit blurry but I like the way they look anyways... very alien and surreal.

This year we went to see the fireworks in Rio Rancho (Near Rio Rancho High School). We almost didn't get to see fireworks at all because the storm was heading towards our direction very quickly and a lot of people assumed that the fireworks were canceled and ran to their cars. We waited a little while there (about a third of the people there were already gone), and started heading towards our car too. The wind was blowing sand in our eyes and the lightning storm seemed like it was all around us (but still no rain). We were surprised then to see the fireworks go off. They shot them off around 9:15pm... an hour early. And surprisingly it never rained aside from a few sprinkles. The fireworks display really wasn't that impressive, but I felt lucky to have seen one at all. I love fireworks! ... especially the kind you can only buy on Native American land :)


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