The Duke of New Mexico

Friday, June 20, 2008

An hour at the Zoo

Last week was sort of the week from hell... I had to work 8 straight days of 12hr graveyard shifts. Half the days were for my regular job and half was done working on a Sci Fi movie shoot called "Project Angel". Anyways, after those 8 crazy days... I had a one day weekend. So for my one day off (Tuesday), I decided to go to the Zoo with my friend, Molly. I hadn't gone to the Rio Grande Zoo for years. The thing was... I was so tired from working my "hell week" and the night before, that I woke up really late! So by the time I got to the Zoo... it was already 4pm. Now, I thought the Zoo was going to be open later than 5pm, but I was wrong. So here is what we saw from our 1 hour run through the Zoo :)

As always, click on the photos for a larger view.

Baby Giraffe... he's only 12 feet instead of like, 20 feet tall

Not so Baby Giraffe. Is it me, or does he look a little...
I dunno... "stoned"?

The "Zebra Parking Lot"... this is where I parked mine
before embarking on our adventures :)
I guess that concrete is part of the natural habitat
for Zebras in Africa... who knew?

Close up of baby Zebra... Awww how cute!

Rare white Rhino... I think this one is the very last one
in existence, so uh... enjoy

"Daniel-san... come, I will teach you the secrets of the
crane style"

"Mister Miyagi... how long do we have to do this for?"

"Daniel-san, ignore Bob the Buzzard... he has a hangover"

"Hey Sam, I think I slept wrong today... my neck hurts"

"Sam! Are you even listening??? Oh God, whats wrong with your knees?
They bend backwards???... Cool!

"munch.. Munch.. munch...."

"chew... chew... Chew..."

"Man! Those are some Hungry, Hungry Hippos !!!" ;)
(sorry folks, I know it's cheesy... but I had to)

I've heard of the term "beaten with an Ugly stick"...
but thought it was a myth, until now. Damn, he ugly!
"Dude, you have something on your face... oh wait, That IS
your face... so sorry!" :)

This little guy was only like a foot tall!
I wanted to put him in my pocket and take him home...
but then I thought "No, I don't want him to
crap in my pockets!... even if the crap was itty bitty"
If there is one thing I've learned in life, it's
that crap in the pockets... Not Fun!!!"

Here is a close-up... but this is pretty much how
big he is in real life. I love his little one inch horns, ha ha!
They're like little toothpicks.... of death! :)

This guy was following us around all day... (I mean for an hour) so I decided
to snap a quick photo... they run free on the grounds.
I wanted to take him home too, but wasn't sure
if peacocks tasted any good... just kidding!

"Who YOU lookin' at?... wanna piece of me"??

"Yeah, that's what I thought buddy.... keep on walkin' !"


  • Duke...I love your Zoo visit...and your hilarious comments. You are such a wild and creative guy!
    Carry on!

    Bonnie B

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:50 PM  

  • Miss Bonnie B, you are too kind :)

    By Blogger "Duke", at 2:43 AM  

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