The Duke of New Mexico

Monday, March 31, 2008

Tai Chi Saber - The Dark Side of Tai Chi :)

Yesterday I had my first experience learning the "Tai Chi Saber Form". It's was also my first experience with a weapons form for Tai Chi. It was so much fun! The weather was perfect and we all met up at a park to practice. There is something deeply satisfying about waving a big Saber sword around... and I was a little surprised at how fast and powerful some of the moves were. In fact, I almost thought I was back in Kung Fu class (I used to study Kung Fu as a young teenager... but quickly realized that it didn't fit my personality very well). So, my little joke is that the "Tai Chi Saber Form" is like the "Dark Side" of Tai Chi. Since overall, Tai Chi is a very peaceful Martial Art... and emphasizes yielding and defense as opposed to attacking. I think it just goes to show that "Tai Chi" can really kick some butt... if the need arises.


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