The Duke of New Mexico

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Dragon-Horse, Painted Ponies

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love Dragons.... "Asian Dragons" that is. I was born under the Year of the Dragon, so I've always had an affinity with them. Also, "Asian Dragons" are supposed to embody and symbolize the qualities of honor, strength, virtue, nobility and of course... good luck. Values that I strive to uphold and attain.

So a few weeks ago, I was just pretending to be a tourist and strolling around Old Town enjoying the sunshine and it's shops. I stopped into an old store in Old Town, called the "Covered Wagon" and noticed that they sell "painted ponies" there. If you live in the southwest, you know what I'm talking about. Anyways, I was checking out all the different ponies they had... I don't actually collect them or anything (yet), but I'm an Artist and being such, I had to look them over and admire them. One of these Painted ponies really caught my attention and spoke to me (it said "buy me or else I will shoot flames at you through my mouth" :)

I had never seen one like it before... it was a horse that was painted or rather was "evolving" into an Asian Dragon. I thought it was the coolest thing... and of course, I had to buy it (or suffer the dire consequences) The detail on this thing is amazing... as you can see from the photos below. There were many other cool Painted Ponies there, but this one I think.... was made for me :)

Enjoy, and let me know what you think.


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