The Duke of New Mexico

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Gabriel's Angels and the New Year

Well, it's a new year and it seems like this year has taken off like a bolt of lightning. It looks like it's going to be a very busy year for me... which is exactly what I was hoping for.

2008: The year of creativity? So far this year I've striven to do artwork again. It's been about 6 years since I've done a painting so I was determined to jump back into it this year. The first painting to bring me back into the art world (pictured above) is called Gabriel's angels. It was made specifically as a gift to my baby nephew "Gabriel"... and was for his baby room. It's a play off of "Raphael's Angels". It took me a few weeks to complete but I liked how it turned out... especially considering it's my first real painting in many years.

Also this year I've been casted as an extra for another major motion picture. So far I've been lucky enough to be an extra for 3:10 to Yuma, Sunshine Cleaning, and now the upcoming movie called "Brothers". In addition to this, I am also working on some other personal film projects.

New Years Resolution: This year I'm resolved to keep doing painting and film related stuff. I'm also getting back into Tai Chi after a long absence of many years. I also want to do as much traveling as I can afford and start learning how to fly Ultra-light aircrafts. These are just a few things I'd like to check off my list this year. I'm also thinking of revisiting one of my favorite places on Earth... Hawaii. But no matter where my travels take me, I will try and make this year the most memorable so far... and take some photos along the way so I can remember it in my old age.


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