The Duke of New Mexico

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Mitsubishi Micro

I saw this cute micro sized Mitsubishi car in Yokohama. It looked so futuristic and cool that I had to snap a photo of it. I don't know what it's called, so I'll make up my own name for it: The Mitsubishi 'Micro'. I bet the 'micro' would sell like hotcakes if they sold them here. It's even a 4 door! Kakkoii!

Update: I did some reseach and found some more info on this car. This car is called the "i-car"... perhaps a play on the word "ipod". It is simply called the "i" in Japan. ( I like my name for it better) The good news is that they are testing it in the USA now to see if there's a market for it here. I hope it does well and that they start selling like "ipods" here :) If you'd like more info on it, here's a story about it on some automotive site: Link-a-roo


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