The Duke of New Mexico

Saturday, April 29, 2006

No Walgreens here in Japan

Here's a tiny little drugstore in Yokohama. We actually went in to take a look. Everything is tiny in Japan, the cars and shops are no exceptions. It's crazy when the shop is really crowded.... which is pretty normal, and you can bearly squeeze your way through the isles. The subways are so packed in that you can bearly move during the rush hours. Forget that american notion of "personal space". There is no such thing in Japan. Especially in the sea of people constantly moving from train to train in the subways. I didn't really take any photos of the subways because it's kinda rude to snap one on the train. But I'll post some pics of the stations later. Tomorrow we are going to the place that I wanted to see the most.... "Electric Town"! The sacred town of gadgets and electronics.


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